shopping cart

Shopping Service

Shop online without a credit card! Just share with us the item you want to purchase and we handle the entire process: purchase, tracking, handling, reception, transportation, and delivery to your preferred branch.

Illustration of shopping bags

Get a quote

Share with us the link to the item you want to purchase via our WhatsApp or directly at a branch, and we will provide you with a quote with the estimated transportation cost to your preferred branch.

Make a Payment

To proceed with the purchase, you only need to pay 50% of the purchase amount. You can pay by bank transfer, cash, or card at our branches.

Pick Up

We will notify you once the order is available at your preferred branch, and you can pick it up or request home delivery.

Enjoy our transit time of
2 to 3 days from Miami to you!

What is the rate for this service?

Our Silver rate is just $2.50 per shipping weight or volumetric weight, with a minimum billing of $5.00.

Silver Rate


Per shipping weight/volumetric weight

I want this rate
  • Available in shopping and air cargo service.
  • 2 to 3 days from Miami to your preferred branch.
  • Daily air departures.
  • Personalized service.

Order, Pay, Pick it Up!

Illustration of shopping with multiple shopping bags

Shopping on your favorite sites is now easier than ever, with personalized service and our record transit time of 2 to 3 days from Miami to your preferred branch.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Shopping Service